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qīn yǒu friends and relatives
亲友  detail>>
relatives and friends
亲戚与朋友  detail>>
qī lín bāyīn
戚林八音  detail>>
forget old friends and relatives
忘旧  detail>>
relatives and close friends
诸亲好友  detail>>
relatives and friends; kith and kin
亲友  detail>>
thinking of absent friends or relatives
停云落月  detail>>
visit relatives and friends
拜访亲友 探亲访友  detail>>
without any relatives or friends
没亲没故  detail>>
qí mín yào shù
齐民要术  detail>>
look up [visit] relatives and friends
投亲访友  detail>>
Ⅰ名词 1.(写字绘画的用品) china [chinese] ink; ink cake; ink stick 2.(写字、绘画或印刷用的颜料) ink  短语和例子&...  detail>>
u y
上翘的  detail>>
yīn y
阴郁  detail>>
u ~n
作为主题方向来说说具体的一些细节网赚之家  detail>>
y染色体长臂缺失综合征  detail>>
q-t-u interval
q-t-u间期  detail>>
q-t-u interval  detail>>